What to Expect


Many people are nervous and apprehensive about what to expect during their first counseling appointment. What will it be like? What will I have to do or say? Your counseling begins with a simple phone call, email, or going online to schedule your first appointment. Be sure to ask any questions or express any concerns you have when you schedule your appointment. Who will be my therapist? Will I like them? What should I say first?

When you come for your first appointment it is a good idea to come a few minutes early in order to complete initial paperwork. Your therapist will begin by asking you to fill out a questionnaire that will describe the current problem. This is a valuable piece of information that will help your therapist understand what is going on and how to proceed. Each counseling session lasts about 50 minutes. Your therapist will want to get to know you during the first few sessions and learn why you have decided to come to counseling.

The number of counseling sessions needed depends upon the presenting issues. You and your therapist will work together to determine the proper number of sessions to ensure your concerns are fully addressed and your established goals have been met. If at any time you are uncomfortable with any part of your treatment, please do not hesitate to let us know.

From time to time your therapist may recommend certain tests that will help address your particular situation. Testing allows you to gain a better insight into yourself and others as well as help identify particular areas that need to be addressed. Your therapist will fully discuss and explain these to you should they be determined to be appropriate.

We look forward to meeting with you for your initial session. Call us today to get started.